- 原华为美国研究所首席科学家、资深副总裁、网络实验室主任
- 原国际电信联盟ITU-T Network 2030主席: 带领中国和美英欧俄日韩等先进发达国家70余家政府机构、高校、网络设备制造商、运营商研究2030年时代的网络技术和标准。
- 原欧洲电信标准组织ETSI下一代网络协议(NGP)副主席: 负责下一代有线网络技术和协议的发展规划、技术预研和协议规范
- 原欧洲Horizon 2020相关基金的项目工业顾问
- 曾获IEEE通信学会2023年MMTC杰出研究员奖和7篇最佳会议论文奖。
- 曾担任国际重要会议主旨演讲人(Keynote Speaker):Globecom 2019, Infocom 2020, HPSR 2020, NetSoft 2018, CNSM 2019, Healthcom 2023, WiMob 2024
- 120余篇专业论文,65项美国授权专利,30余项国际通信标准。
- 领导或参与设计的网络产品部署在世界前100大运营商网络中。落地实现在网络产品中的专利有些曾经运行10余年。
Dr. Richard Li is Chair Professor of Network Technologies, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China. Prior to joining Southeast University in April 2024, Richard worked with Futurewei Technologies, aka Huawei R&D USA, from 2007 to 2024 as Chief Scientist, SVP, and Head of Network Technologies Lab in Silicon Valley, USA. Before that, Richard worked with Cisco and Ericsson on their networking products, technologies, solutions and network operating systems. Richard also served as the Chairman of the ITU-T FG Network 2030 from 2018 to 2020, the Vice Chairman of the Europe ETSI ISG Next-Generation Protocols from 2016 to 2019, and Chairs of steering committees and technical program committees of some academic and industrial conferences. He was a recipient of the 2023 IEEE MMTC Outstanding Researcher Award, 2023 MMTC Best Conference Paper Award, and six other Best Paper Awards in international conferences. Richard was a keynote speaker in IEEE Globecom, Infocom, Healthcom, HPSR, NetSoft, UNet, CNSM, and a frequent speaker in 6G-related conferences and symposia, among others. During his career, Richard spearheaded network technology innovation and development in Packet-Switched Networks, Routing and MPLS, Mobile Backhaul Networks, Metro and Core Networks, Data Center, Cloud and Virtualization with 65 US-granted patents and 100+ publications. Currently he serves on the advisory board for IEEE IoT Journal, as a technical editor for IEEE Network Magazine and guest editors for special issues of some journals. His current interests include next-generation network architectures, protocols, algorithms, and systems in the support of emerging and forward-looking applications and industry verticals, especially in the context of 5G/6G and Network 2030.
招聘计算机网络领域的教授、副教授、研究员、副研究员、青年教师、博士后、博士生、硕士生。If you have a great passion and aspiration for advancing network technologies to benefit our world and to promote our living standards and welfare, we should work together. Let's talk!
在GIIS 2025国际会议上做主旨演讲。Keynote Speaker, GIIS 2025 - The 15th Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium, Dubai, UAE, Feb 25-27, 2025, https://giis2025.giis-conference.org/keynotes
在IEEE ICME 2025担任技术程序委员会共同主席,欢迎投稿。TPC Co-Chair, IEEE ICME - IEEE Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Nantes, France, June 30 - July 4, 2025, https://2025.ieeeicme.org
在IARIA Congress 2025担任指导委员,如果您想组织Session或Track,和我联系。Steering Committee, IARIA Congress 2025, Venice, Italy, July 6 to July 10, 2025, https://www.iaria.org/conferences2025/IARIACongress25.html
在ICCCN 2025国际会议的“方向之9:网络的新兴课题”担任共同主席,欢迎投稿。Co-Chair, Track 9: Emerging Topics in Networking, ICCCN 2025 - The 34th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, Tokyo, Japan, August 4 - 7, 2025, http://www.icccn.org/ICCCN25/committeesandtracks/technical-tracks/track9.html
在WiMob 2024国际会议上做主旨演讲。Keynote Speaker, WiMob 2024 - The 20th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, Paris, France, October 21-23, 2024, http://www.wimob.org/wimob2024/speakers.php