


--- 2019年学术报告
Blockchain Security Mechanisms and Future applications

时间:2019年12月10日 下午15:00 地点:九龙湖计算机楼313


Blockchain as an emergent technology is quickly gaining ground as a decentralised distributed trustless database in the form of a linked-list data structure. The non-deterministic nature of public blockchain consensus protocols is worthwhile to be discussed and argues that the probabilistic validity of a new block does not provide adequate guarantees of accuracy and integrity which in the case of cryptocurrencies could result in quite substantial asset losses. A new line of thinking in regards to the validity of data in blockchains is necessary. Furthermore any potential blockchain applications are in the radar for the current and future technology market. Can we really reach what we have envisaged on this magic blockchain phenomenal?


Dr Jianming Yong is a full Professor in the discipline of information systems, School of Management & Enterprise, University of Southern Queensland, Australia. His research interests include cloud computing and cyber security. He has edited 14 journal issues/research books/conference proceedings; published over 110 refereed research papers including many journal papers in top ICT outlets, such as IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Information Sciences, Knowledge-Based Systems, IEEE Transaction on Automation Science and Engineering, etc. which have a significant impact on ICT research and development over cyber security and cloud computing. He has participated in American NSF, and European Union research projects. He is also a member of IEEE and its computer society for over 20 years.


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