


--- 2011年学术报告
Rapid Prototyping Algorithms and Applications

时间:2011年8月23日 地点:九龙湖校区计算机楼302室


    A challenging research issue in Rapid Prototyping (RP) is how to shorten the build time and improve the surface accuracy especially for complex product models. In this research, systematic adaptive algorithms and strategies have been developed to address the challenge. A mixed and adaptive tool-path generation algorithm, which is aimed to optimize both the surface quality and fabrication efficiency in RP, has been then developed. The algorithm can generate contour tool-paths for the boundary of each RP sliced layer to reduce the surface errors of the model, and zigzag tool-paths for the internal area of the layer to speed up fabrication. In addition, based on developed build time analysis mathematical models, adaptive strategies have been devised to generate variable speeds for contour tool-paths to address the geometric characteristics in each layer to reduce build time, and to identify the best slope degree of zigzag tool-paths to further minimize the build time. Case studies of complex product models have been used to validate and showcase the performance of the developed algorithms in terms of processing effectiveness and surface accuracy.


    Dr Weidong Li is a Senior Lecturer in digital manufacturing technologies with expertise on the manufacturing enterprise information digitalisation and manufacturing process optimisation. Dr Li has published 80 research papers and 3 books (1 monograph and 2 edited books), is served in program committees for 20 international conferences, associate editors or guest editors of special issues in 6 well-established international journals. He is involved in a number of European projects in the relevant research areas. Dr Li and his research students have also cooperated with industries such as Airbus UK, Jaguar/Land Rover and a number of SMEs in the areas of manufacturing process optimisation and digitalisation.

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