


- 网络智慧运维,利用机器学习、知识图谱等方法开展网络大数据分析和智能运维研究;

- 时间敏感网络、确定性网络,面向工业控制等环境,提供时延、带宽确保的网络服务;

- 高性能传输协议,关注RDMA、QUIC、CUBIC/BBR/MPTCP等传输协议优化与性能分析;

- 云边端协同与算力网络,探讨面向大规模分布式应用的算网融合体系架构与关键技术;

- 移动互联网安全,研究加密流量分析、移动终端信息保护、异常检测与态势感知等问题。


2002.3 - 2007.1 东南大学计算机科学与工程学院(博士)

Southeast University, as a PhD student

1994.9 - 1997.4 南京理工大学计算机科学与技术系(硕士)

Nanjing University of Science and Technology, as a MSc student


2007.4 - 至今  东南大学计算机科学与工程学院(教师)

Southeast University, as a faculty member

2012.9 - 2013.9 美国匹兹堡大学计算机科学系(访问学者)

Pittsburgh University, as a research scholar



Yongbo Liu, Yongqiang Dong, Jun Shen, Chong Feng. MAYA: Exploring multiform attributes of node to align YANG data models. Computer Networks, Volume 222, February 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2022.109538


Yongqiang Dong, Chenchen Guan, Yunli Chen, Kun Gao, Lu Lu, Yuexia Fu. Optimization of Service Scheduling in Computing Force Network. CCF International Conference on Service Science (ICSS 2022),May 2022, 147-153


Dong Yongqiang, Wang Xin, Liu Yongbo, Yang Wang. Building Network Domain Knowledge Graph from Heterogeneous YANG Models. Journal of Computer Research and Development, April 2020, 57(4): 699-708 (in Chinese) (董永强,王鑫,刘永博,杨望. 异构YANG模型驱动的网络领域知识图谱构建. 计算机研究与发展, 2020年4月)


Li Chunqiang, Dong Yongqiang, Wu Guoxin. Elephant Flow Detection Algorithm Based on Lowest Rate Eviction Integrated with d-Left Hash. Journal of Computer Research and Development, February 2019, 56 (2): 349-362 (in Chinese) (李春强, 董永强, 吴国新. 低速率流淘汰与d-Left Hash相结合的大流检测算法. 计算机研究与发展, 2019年2月)

Yu Pengpeng, Dong Yongqiang, Li Qingcheng. Flow balancing mechanism for DCNs based on deep reinforcement learning. 8th CCFInternet Conference of China (ICoC 2019), Nanjing, August 2019 (in Chinese) (俞鹏鹏,董永强,李青橙. 基于深度强化学习的DCN网络流量均衡机制. 第八届中国互联网学术年会, 2019年8月)


Li Chunqiang, Dong Yongqiang, Wu guoxin. Dual threshold elephant flow detection algorithm combined flow size with transmission rate. Journal of National University of Defense Technology, December 2018, 40(6): 75-81 (in Chinese) (李春强, 董永强, 吴国新. 流的大小与传输速率相结合的双门限检测算法. 国防科技大学学报, 2018年12月)

DONG Yong-qiang, XU Chen, CHEN Yunli. Openflow Table Driven DDoS Detection Supporting IP Subnet Mask Matching. 22nd Networks and Data Communications Conference of China, Nanjing, November 2018 (in Chinese) (董永强, 徐晨, 陈芸丽. 支持IP掩码匹配的流表驱动DDoS攻击检测. 第22届全国网络与数据通信学术会议, 2018年11月)

Liu Xuan, Yang Peng, Dong Yong-qiang. Research on Content Sharing Capability for Dual-Architecture Network. ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA, April 2018, 46(4): 849-855 (in Chinese) (刘旋, 杨鹏, 董永强. 双结构网络内容共享能力研究. 电子学报, 2018年第4期)


Liang Gu, Peng Yang, Yongqiang Dong. Diversity Optimization for Recommendation Using Improved Cover Tree. Knowledge-Based Systems, November 2017, 135: 1-8

Yongfeng Huang, Yongqiang Dong, Sanfeng Zhang, Guoxin Wu. Critical Journey Evolving Graphs. Computer Communications, May 2017, 104:67-87. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ j.comcom.2017.02.004

Xuan Liu, Zhuo Li, Peng Yang, Yongqiang Dong. Information centric mobile ad hoc networks and content routing: A survey. Ad Hoc Networks, April 2017, 58: 255-268, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.adhoc.2016.04.005

LONG Yin, DONG Yong-qiang. A Cache-Optimized MPEG-DASH Bitrate Adaptation Algorithm. 6th Internet Conference of China (ICoC 2017), Guilin, August 2017 (in Chinese) (龙吟, 董永强. 一种缓存优化的MPEG-DASH自适应码率判决算法. 第六届中国互联网学术年会, 2017年8月)

Gu Liang, Yang Peng, Dong Yongqiang. A Diversified Recommendation Method for UCL in Broadcast-Storage Network. Computer Research and Development, 2017, 54(8):1631-1643 (in Chinese) (顾梁, 杨鹏, 董永强. 播存网络环境下UCL推荐多样性优化算法. 计算机研究与发展, 2017年8月)


Xilai Lv, Yongqiang Dong. Efficient Matching Algorithm for Content-based Publish/Subscribe Systems with Compound Predicates. 11th International Conference on Future Internet Technologies (CFI 2016), June 2016, Nanjing, 99-103

Peipei Lv, Peng Yang, Yongqiang Dong, Liang Gu. BALLKNN: An Efficient and Scalable KNN based on Euclidean Similarity. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks(IJCNN 2016), Vancouver, Canada, July 2016, 5141-5148

LI Chun-qiang, DONG Yong-qiang, WU Guo-xin. OpenFlow Table Lookup Scheme Integrating Multiple-Cell Hash Table with TCAM. Journal on Communications, October 2016, 37(10): 2016204, 1-13 (in Chinese) (李春强, 董永强, 吴国新. 多单元散列表与TCAM结合的OpenFlow流表查找方法. 通信学报, 2016年10月)


HUANG Yong-feng, DONG Yong-qiang, ZHANG San-feng, WU Guo-xin. Message forwarding based on periodically evolving social characteristics in opportunistic mobile networks. Journal on Communications, March 2015, 36(3): 2015055, 1-12 (in Chinese) (黄永锋, 董永强, 张三峰, 吴国新. 基于社会特征周期演化的机会移动网络路由转发策略. 通信学报, 2015年3月)

YIN Xing, WU Guo-xin, DONG Yong-qiang, ZHANG San-feng. Route optimization scheme for nested mobile networks based on extending neighbor discovery protocol. Journal on Communications, April 2015, 36(4): 2015179, 1-12 (in Chinese) (尹星, 吴国新, 董永强, 张三峰. 基于扩展邻居发现协议的嵌套移动网络路由优化方案. 通信学报, 2015年4月)

Liang Gu, Peng Yang, Yongqiang Dong. SHDC:A Fast Documents Classification Method Based on Simhash. The 15th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP’2015), Zhangjiajie, China, November 2015: 198-212


Dong Yongqiang, Zu Qianqian, Tao Hua. Real trace driven temporal centrality analysis for dynamic networks. 20th Networks and Data Communications Conference of China, Wuhan, November 2014. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), May 2015, 43(5): 109-113 (in Chinese) (董永强, 祖倩倩, 陶桦. 基于真实数据集的动态网络时间中心性分析. 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2015年5月)

Liang Gu, Peng Yang, Yongqiang Dong. A Novel Similarity Measurement Approach Incorporating Clusters of Intrinsic User Groups in Collaborative Filtering. The Second International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data (CBD’2014), Huangshan, China, November 2014

Dong Lili, Wang Yong, Dong Yongqiang, Yang Peng. Collaborative Cache Management Strategy Based on Ant-Colony Replacement Algorithm in Named Data Networking. Telecommunications Science, September 2014, 45-52 (in Chinese) (董利利, 王勇, 董永强, 杨鹏. NDN中基于蚁群替换算法的邻居协作缓存管理策略. 电信科学, 2014年9月)

Shun Cai, Sanfeng Zhang, Guoxin Wu, Yongqiang Dong, Taieb Znati. Minimum Cost Opportunistic Routing with Intra-session Network Coding. IEEE ICC 2014 - Ad-hoc and Sensor Networking Symposium, Sydney, Australia, June 2014


Huang Yong-Feng, Dong Yong-Qiang, Zhang Shan-Feng, Wu Guo-Xin. Leftover bandwidth-aware peer selection algorithm for inter-datacenter content distribution. Journal on Communications, July 2013, 34(7): 24-33 (in Chinese) (黄永锋, 董永强, 张三峰, 吴国新. 数据中心间空闲带宽感知的内容分发算法. 通信学报,2013年7月)


Tang Zuo-yong, Yuan Yi-jia, Dong Yong-qiang, Wu Guo-xin. Detection of Selfish Nodes Based on Credit Mechanism in Opportunistic Networks. 18th Networks and Data Communications Conference of China, Changsha, November 2012. Journal of Communications, November 2012, 33(z2): 217-221 (in Chinese) (唐作用, 袁艺嘉, 董永强, 吴国新. 基于信誉值维护的机会网络自私节点检测机制. 通信学报, 2012年11月)

YANG Qi, DONG Yong-Qiang. Differentiated priority queue management in event-driven wireless sensor networks. 6th Wireless Sensor Networks Conference of China, Huangshan, October 2012. Journal of Software, October 2012, 23(s1): 120-125 (in Chinese) (杨琪, 董永强. 事件模型下的传感网优先级队列管理机制. 软件学报, 2012年10月) 

Shun Cai, Sanfeng Zhang, Yongqiang Dong, Guoxin Wu. An Optimal Stopping Strategy for Opportunistic Broadcast Channel Access. IEEE ICC 2012 - Ad-hoc and Sensor Networking Symposium, Ottawa, Canada, June 2012, 538-543


DONG Yong-qiang, TAO Jun, YANG Peng. Bandwidth and Buffer Allocation Coupled with Adaptive Pricing. Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, June 2011, 34(3): 84-88 (in Chinese) (董永强, 陶军, 杨鹏. 一种价格自适应的链路带宽和缓冲区分配算法. 北京邮电大学学报, 2011年6月)

YANG Yi, DONG Yong-Qiang. Dynamic Pointer Forwarding Scheme for HMIPv6 Networks. Journal of Software, January 2011, 22(1):164−176 (in Chinese) (杨怡, 董永强. 面向分层移动IPv6 网络的动态指针推进机制. 软件学报, 2011年1月)


Yongqiang Dong, Yun Wang, Qin Xia. A Load Adaptive IEEE 802.11e EDCA Backoff Scheme with Enhanced Service Differentiation. The 12th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT2010), Nanjing, November 2010, 1057-1060

Wang Huiqin, Dong Yongqiang. An Improved Header Compression Scheme for 6LoWPAN Networks. The 9th International Conference on Grid and Cloud Computing (GCC2010), Nanjing, November 2010, 350-355

DONG Yong-qiang, XIANG Wu, WANG Yun. Push-on-Demand: an Enhancement to IEEE 802.11e EDCA for AP Downlink Access Provisioning. 17th Networks and Data Communications Conference of China, Qinhuangdao, September 2010. Journal of Northeastern University (Natural Science Edition), December 2010, 31(S2): 275-278, 287 (in Chinese) (董永强, 项武, 王芸. 提高AP端信道竞争能力的EDCA改进方案. 东北大学学报(自然科学版), 2010年12月)

Sun Xiaoyin, Wu Guoxin, Dong Yongqiang, Ye Ping. New initialization strategy of reputation system based on recommendation. Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition), January 2010, 40(1): 41-46 (in Chinese) (孙啸寅, 吴国新, 董永强, 叶枰. 一种基于推荐的信誉系统初始化定值策略. 东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2010年1月)


Xu Wei, Yang Yi, Dong Yongqiang, Xia Qin. Station roaming authentication solution in WLAN based on P2P. Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition), September 2009, 39(5): 909-912 (in Chinese) (徐伟, 杨怡, 董永强, 夏勤. 利用P2P技术实现移动终端在WLAN内的漫游认证. 东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2009年9月)

NI Wei-guo, DONG Yong-qiang, ZHANG Cong. Fast Handoff Algorithm for WLAN Based on Dynamic Cache. Computer Engineering, January 2009, 35(2): 89-91 (in Chinese) (倪维国, 董永强, 张聪. 基于动态Cache的无线局域网快速切换算法. 计算机工程, 2009年1月)


DONG Yong-qiang. Rate Control Based on Conjugate Gradient-like Price Adjusting Algorithm. 16th Networks and Data Communications Conference of China, Nanjing, November 2008. Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), 9(5): 475-478 (in Chinese) (董永强. 基于近似共轭梯度法链路价格调整的速率控制算法. 解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2008年11月)

Dong Yongqiang, Yang Lu, Dai Jiangpeng. Network Pricing Mechanism with Congestion Charge and Compensation. Journal of Computer Research and Development, August 2008, 45(8): 1322-1329 (in Chinese) (董永强, 杨璐, 戴江鹏. 一种拥塞补偿的网络服务定价机制. 计算机研究与发展, 2008年8月) 

Ni Weiguo, Dong Yongqiang, Xia Qin. Station Based Fast Handoff Solution for IEEE 802.11 b/g Wireless LANs. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), June 2008, 24(2): 149-154



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