

Guangchi Liu  刘光迟, Ph.D.

Professor, Ph.D. Advisor  教授,博士生导师

School of Computer Science and Engineering

Southeast University, Nanjing, China

Office: 160, Computer Building, Jiulonghu Campus
E-mail: gc-liu[at]seu[dot]edu[dot]cn


My name is Guangchi (Luke) Liu and I am currently a professor of computer science at Southeast Univesity. I received my B.S. and M.S. degree from Southeast Univesity and Ph.D. in in Compuer Science from Montana State University, U.S.A under the supervision of Dr. Qing Yang. My research interests lie in the areas of Social Computing and SecurityTrust NetworkMachine Learning and Natural Language Processing, etc. 

I used to be an industry research lead in the U.S. for 5 years. Under my supervision, my team prototyped and productionized numerious social media and opinion analysis systems, which have been used by more than 100 companies around the world. More details can be found at my personal webiste https://gc-liu.github.io/ .

Research Interests

Social Computing and Security, Trust Network, Natrual Language Processing, Machine Learning and Internet of Things.

Open Positions

I'm actively looking for strongly self-motivated undergraduatemaster, and Ph.D. researchers. Please send me your CV if you are interested in joining us! All of the team members I have mentored are currently working at well-known tech/financial companies including Google, Meta, Amazon, Microsoft, Anasys, JP Morgan, Deloitte, etc. or pursuing Ph.D. degree at colleges including North Carolina State Univ., Fudan Univ., etc.



我指导过的前团队成员均就职于谷歌脸书亚马逊微软摩根大通德勤等IT/金融公司算法岗或在NCSU, 复旦等高校攻读博士学位。详细信息见 https://gc-liu.github.io/joinus/



Selected Publications 

[1] Guangchi Liu, Qing Yang, Honggang Wang and Alex X. Liu, Three-Valued Subjective Logic: A Model for Trust Assessment in Online Social NetworksIEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC) (2021).

[2] Guangchi Liu, Chenyu Li and Qing Yang, NeuralWalk: Assessing Trust in Online Social Networks with Neural Network in IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) 2019.

[3] Guangchi Liu, Qi Chen, Qing Yang, Binhai Zhu, Honggang Wang and Wei Wang. OpinionWalk: An Efficient Algorithm for Massive Trust Assessment in Online Social Networks in IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) 2017.

[4] Guangchi Liu, Qing Yang, Honggang Wang, Xiaodong Lin, and Mike P. Wittie. Assessment of Multi-Hop Interpersonal Trust in Social Networks by Three-Valued Subjective Logic in IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) 2014.

[5] Guangchi Liu, Qing Yang, Honggang Wang, Shaoen Wu, and Mike P. Wittie. Uncovering the Mystery of Trust in An Online Social Network  in IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS) 2015.

[6] Tong Cheng, Guangchi Liu and Qing Yang, Trust Assessment in Vehicular Social Network based on Three- Valued Subjective LogicIEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM) (2019).

[7] Xiaofei Niu, Guangchi Liu, and Qing Yang. Trustworthy Website Detection Based on Social Hyperlink Network Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE) (2018).

[9] Xiaofei Niu, Guangchi Liu and Qing Yang, OpinionRank: Trustworthy Website Detection using Three Valued Subjective LogicIEEE Transactions on Big Data (TBD) (2020).

[8] Mehdi Assefi, Ehsun Behravesh, Guangchi Liu and Ahmad Pahlavan Tafti. Big Data Machine Learning using Apache Spark MLlib in IEEE BigData (2017).

[9] Qi Chen, Ye Liu, Guangchi Liu, Qing Yang, Xianming Shi, Hongwei Gao, Lu Su and Quanlong Li. Harvest Energy from the Water: A Self-Sustained Wireless Water Quality Sensing System in ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) (2017).

[10] Ye Liu, Qi Chen, Guangchi Liu and Qing Yang. EcoSense: A Hardware Approach to On-Demand Sensing in the Internet of Things in IEEE Communication Magazine (2016).


Selected Projects

Project I: Dissemination of Multimodal Information in Directed Graph

Keywords: Graph Machine LearningGraph Signal ProcessingWhite-box Neural Network

Based upon the latest graph machine learning and interpretable machine learning approaches, this research aims to design a data-driven yet interpretable framework towards modeling multimodal information dissemination in network scenarios. Applications of this research include opinion dissemination modeling, trust network data verification, etc.

Project II: Trust Modeling in Network Scenarios

Keywords: Evidence Theory, Trust Network, Graph Theory, Neural Netwrok

This research contains a series of approaches for modeling trust relations in network scenarios accurately, efficiently and practically. Applications of this research include online disinformation analysis, troll account detection, and trust assessment for network traffic, etc.

Project III: Social Media Analysis
Keywords: Topic Modeling, Extreme Large Multlabel Classification, Sentiment Analysis

In this research, we employ NLP and machine learning approaches to develop a series of opinion analysis systems that provide business insights from social media data in an automatic, timely and interpretable manner. This research encompasses my work as the industry lead.

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