

方鹏飞 (Pengfei FANG)

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Pattern Learning and Mining (PALM) Lab

School of Computer Science and Engineering,Southeast University, Nanjing, China

Email: fangpengfei(at)seu.edu.cn

Office: Room 527, Computer Science Building, Jiulonghu Campus, Southeast University

Short Bio:

I am an Associate Professor at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University (SEU), China, and I am also a member of the PALM lab. Before joining SEU, I was a post-doctoral fellow at Monash University in 2022. I received the Ph.D. degree from the Australian National University and DATA61-CSIRO in 2022, and the M.E. degree from the Australian National University in 2017. My research interests include computer vision and machine learning.


Research Interest:

Machine Learning

Computer Vision

Geometric Learning

Selected Publications:

[8] Pengfei Fang, Jieming Zhou, Soumava Kumar Roy, Pan Ji, Lars Petersson and Mehrtash Harandi. Attention in Attention Networks for Person Retrieval.TPAMI 2022.

[7] Pengfei Fang, Xian Li, Yang Yan, Shuai Zhang, Qiyue Kang, Xiaofei Li and Zhenzhong Lan. Connecting the Dots in Self-supervised Learning: A Brief Survey for Beginners. JCST 2022.

[6] Pengfei Fang, Mehrtash Harandi and Lars Petersson. Kernel Methods in Hyperbolic Spaces. ICCV 2021.

[5] Pengfei Fang, Jieming Zhou, Soumava Kumar Roy, Lars Petersson and Mehrtash Harandi. Bilinear Attention Networks for Person Retrieval. ICCV 2019.

[4] Pengfei Fang, Pan Ji, Lars Petersson and Mehrtash Harandi. Set Augmented Triplet Loss for Video Person Re-Identification. WACV 2021.

[3] Pengfei Fang, Jieming Zhou, Pan Ji, Lars Petersson and Mehrtash Harandi. Channel Recurrent Attention Networks for Video Pedestrian Retrieval. ACCV 2020.

[2] Rongkai Ma, Pengfei Fang*, Gil Avraham, Yan Zuo, Tianyu Zhu, Tom Drummond and Mehrtash Harandi. Learning Instance and Task-Aware Dynamic Kernels for Few-Shot Learning. ECCV 2022.(*: Corresponding author)

[1] Rongkai Ma, Pengfei Fang*, Tom Drummond and Mehrtash Harandi. Adaptive Poincaré Point to Set Distance for Few-Shot Classification. AAAI 2022. (*: Corresponding author)

Academic Services:

Program Committee

NeurIPS 2023, IJCAI 2023, CVPR 2023, ACCV 2022, NeurIPS 2022, ACM MM 2022, ECCV 2022, ICML 2022, CVPR 2022...

Journal Reviewer


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