

Dr. Weiwei Wu 


School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University 

Room 216, Building of Computer Science 

Tel: 86-025-52091021 Email:weiweiwu at seu dot edu dot cn

Publications (selected)

For new publication see my DBLP>> and Google Scholar>>

Weakly supervised semantic segmentation with boundary exploration

L Chen, W Wu, C Fu, X Han, Y Zhang

European Conference on Computer Vision, 347-362


AODC: automatic offline database construction for indoor localization in a hybrid UWB/Wi-Fi environment

H Jie, K Liu, H Zhang, R Xie, W Wu, S Guo

2020 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC)


CoUAS: Enable cooperation for unmanned aerial systems

Z Huang, W Wu, F Shan, Y Bian, K Lu, Z Li, J Wang, J Wang

ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 16 (3), 1-19


Toward new retail: A benchmark dataset for smart unmanned vending machines

H Zhang, D Li, Y Ji, H Zhou, W Wu, K Liu

IEEE Transactions on Industrial informatics 16 (12), 7722-7731


Crowdsourcing model for energy efficiency retrofit and mixed-integer equilibrium analysis

Z Wu, Q Li, W Wu, M Zhao

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (7), 4512-4524


Deep learning-based beverage recognition for unmanned vending machines: an empirical study

H Zhang, D Li, Y Ji, H Zhou, W Wu

2019 IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN) 


Max-min fair allocation for resources with hybrid divisibilities

Y Li, C He, Y Jiang, W Wu, J Jiang, W Zhang, H Fan

Expert Systems with Applications 124, 325-340


A zero site-survey overhead indoor tracking system using particle filter

F Jin, K Liu, H Zhang, W Wu, J Cao, X Zhai

ICC 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-7


Clockwise, modularized lymphadenectomy in laparoscopic gastric cancer surgery: a new laparoscopic surgery model

WH Zhang, K Yang, XZ Chen, Y Zhao, K Liu, WW Wu, ZX Chen, ZG Zhou, JK Hu

Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 23 (5), 895-903


CoUAV: a cooperative UAV fleet control and monitoring platform

W Wu, Z Huang, F Shan, Y Bian, K Lu, Z Li, J Wang

arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.04046


Room allocation with capacity diversity and budget constraints

Y Li, Y Jiang, W Wu, J Jiang, H Fan

IEEE Access 7, 42968-42986


Electricity price-aware consolidation algorithms for time-sensitive vm services in cloud systems

W Wu, W Wang, X Fang, L Junzhou, AV Vasilakos

IEEE Transactions on Services Computing


Speed scaling problems with memory/cache consideration

W Wu, M Li, K Wang, H Huang, E Chen

Journal of Scheduling 21 (6), 633-646


Offloading delay constrained transparent computing tasks with energy-efficient transmission power scheduling in wireless IoT environment

F Shan, J Luo, J Jin, W Wu

IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (3), 4411-4422


Delay minimization for data transmission in wireless power transfer systems

F Shan, J Luo, W Wu, X Shen

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 37 (2), 298-312


Cooperative video caching scheme over software defined passive optical network

Y Li, S Dai, W Wu

Journal of Network and Computer Applications 117, 86-100


Big data transmission in industrial IoT systems with small capacitor supplying energy

X Fang, J Luo, G Luo, W Wu, Z Cai, Y Pan

IEEE transactions on industrial informatics 15 (4), 2360-2371


Strategic social team crowdsourcing: Forming a team of truthful workers for crowdsourcing in social networks

W Wang, Z He, P Shi, W Wu, Y Jiang, B An, Z Hao, B Chen

IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 18 (6), 1419-1432


On minimizing sensing time via data sharing in collaborative Internet of Things

W Wu, X Zhai, Y Zhao

IEEE Access 6, 41633-41642


Budget-feasible Procurement Mechanisms in Two-sided Markets.

W Wu, X Liu, M Li

IJCAI, 548-554


Towards scalable indoor localization with particle filter and wi-fi fingerprint

F Jin, K Liu, H Zhang, L Feng, C Chen, W Wu

2018 15th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking


On the optimal monitor placement for inferring additive metrics of interested paths

R Yang, C Feng, L Wang, W Wu, K Wu, J Wang, Y Xu

IEEE INFOCOM 2018-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 2141-2149


Throughput maximization for the wireless powered communication in green cities

F Shan, J Luo, W Wu, F Dong, X Shen

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (6), 2560-2569


A distributed truthful auction mechanism for task allocation in mobile cloud computing

X Wang, Y Sui, J Wang, C Yuen, W Wu

IEEE Transactions on Services Computing


Energy efficient data transmission for sensors with wireless charging

X Fang, J Luo, W Wu, H Gao

Sensors 18 (2), 511


Mobility-aware participant recruitment for vehicle-based mobile crowdsensing

X Wang, W Wu, D Qi

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (5), 4415-4426


A memetic algorithm for cache-aided data broadcast with network coding in vehicular networks

K Liu, L Feng, P Dai, W Wu, VCS Lee, SH Son

GLOBECOM 2017-2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 1-6


Scheduling multi-task jobs with extra utility in data centers

X Fang, J Luo, H Gao, W Wu, Y Li

EURASIP journal on wireless communications and networking 2017 (1), 1-12


Dynamic clustering and cooperative scheduling for vehicle-to-vehicle communication in bidirectional road scenarios

J Wang, K Liu, K Xiao, C Chen, W Wu, VCS Lee, SH Son

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 19 (6), 1913-1924


Protecting elections with minimal resource consumption

Y Li, Y Jiang, W Wu

Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS)


Towards truthful auction mechanisms for task assignment in mobile device clouds

X Wang, X Chen, W Wu

IEEE INFOCOM 2017-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 1-9


Scheduling tasks to minimize active time on a processor with unlimited capacity

KCK Fong, M Li, Y Li, SH Poon, W Wu, Y Zhao

International Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation …


Incentive mechanism design to meet task criteria in crowdsourcing: How to determine your budget

W Wu, W Wang, M Li, J Wang, X Fang, Y Jiang, J Luo

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 35 (2), 502-516


Delay-cost tradeoff for virtual machine migration in cloud data centers

X Wang, X Chen, C Yuen, W Wu, M Zhang, C Zhan

Journal of Network and Computer Applications 78, 62-72


Energy-efficient transmission with data sharing in participatory sensing systems

W Wu, J Wang, M Li, K Liu, F Shan, J Luo

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 34 (12), 4048-4062


Electric vehicle charging station placement for urban public bus systems

X Wang, C Yuen, NU Hassan, N An, W Wu

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 18 (1), 128-139


Truthful team formation for crowdsourcing in social networks

W Wang, Z He, P Shi, W Wu, Y Jiang

Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS)


Optimal wireless power transfer scheduling for delay minimization

F Shan, J Luo, W Wu, X Shen

IEEE INFOCOM 2016-The 35th Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM)


Online throughput maximization for energy harvesting communication systems with battery overflow

W Wu, J Wang, X Wang, F Shan, J Luo

IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 16 (1), 185-197


Multiagent-based resource allocation for energy minimization in cloud computing systems

W Wang, Y Jiang, W Wu

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 47 (2), 205-220


Cooperative application execution in mobile cloud computing: A Stackelberg game approach

X Wang, X Chen, W Wu, N An, L Wang

IEEE Communications Letters 20 (5), 946-949


Network-coding-assisted data dissemination via cooperative vehicle-to-vehicle/-infrastructure communications

K Liu, JKY Ng, J Wang, VCS Lee, W Wu, SH Son

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 17 (6), 1509-1520


Energy-efficient transmission with data sharing

W Wu, J Wang, M Li, K Liu, J Luo

2015 IEEE conference on computer communications (INFOCOM), 73-81


Discrete rate scheduling for packets with individual deadlines in energy harvesting systems

F Shan, J Luo, W Wu, M Li, X Shen

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 33 (3), 438-451


To migrate or to wait: Delay-cost tradeoff for cloud data centers

X Wang, X Chen, C Yuen, W Wu, W Wang

2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 2314-2319


Towards scalable, fair and robust data dissemination via cooperative vehicular communications

K Liu, JKY Ng, VCS Lee, W Wu, SH Son

2014 IEEE 20th International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications


Local information promotes cooperation in duplex public goods games with limited resources

X Zheng, Y Zhou, W Wu, Y Jiang

2014 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence (WI) and Intelligent Agent Technologies (IAT)


Minimizing the total weighted completion time of fully parallel jobs with integer parallel units

Q Zhang, W Wu, M Li

Theoretical Computer Science 507, 34-40


Optimal key tree structure for two-user replacement and deletion problems

W Wu, M Li, E Chen

Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 26 (1), 44-70


Resource scheduling with supply constraint and linear cost

Q Zhang, W Wu, M Li

International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications, 212-222


Speed scaling problems with memory/cache consideration

W Wu, M Li, H Huang, E Chen

International Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation (TAMC)


Single and multiple device DSA problems, complexities and online algorithms

W Wu, M Li, W Tian, JC Xue, E Chen

Theoretical Computer Science 420, 89-98


Optimal tree structure with loyal users and batch updates

YK Chan, M Li, W Wu

Journal of combinatorial optimization 22 (4), 630-639


Min-energy scheduling for aligned jobs in accelerate model

W Wu, M Li, E Chen

Theoretical Computer Science 412 (12-14), 1122-1139


Single and multiple device DSA problem, complexities and online algorithms

W Wu, W Tian, M Li, CJ Xue, E Chen

International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, 218-229


Min-energy scheduling for aligned jobs in accelerate model

W Wu, M Li, E Chen

International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, 462-472


Optimal tree structures for group key tree management considering insertion and deletion cost

W Wu, M Li, E Chen

Theoretical computer science 410 (27-29), 2619-2631


Optimal key tree structure for deleting two or more leaves

W Wu, M Li, E Chen

International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, 77-88


Optimal tree structures for group key tree management considering insertion and deletion cost

W Wu, M Li, E Chen

International Computing and Combinatorics Conference, 521-530




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  • 邮政编码:211189
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