Dr. Weiwei Wu
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University
Room 216, Building of Computer Science
Tel: 86-025-52091021 Email:weiweiwu at seu dot edu dot cn
Dr. Weiwei Wu is currently a professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, P.R. China. He has published over 60 peer-reviewed papers in international conferences/journals and serves as TPCs and reviewers for several top international journals and conferences. His research interest covers the applications of optimization methods in a wide range of topics, including combinatorial optimization and algorithms, game theory, reinforcement learning, multi-agent systems, swarm system, real-time scheduling.
吴巍炜 教授、博导,入选国家级青年人才计划,江苏省杰出青年基金获得者,东南大学计算机科学拔尖基地负责人。2011年分别获得香港城市大学和中国科技大学博士学位,2011-2012年新加坡南洋理工大学博士后,2012年起加入东南大学计算机、人工智能、软件学院。研究方向包括智能无人系统、大模型智能决策、强化学习、智能物联网、大数据、深度学习等。主持国家重点研发项目课题、国家自然科学基金面上/青年项目、省部级和企业合作项目十余项,在相关研究领域国际会议和期刊上发表学术论文90余篇,发表CCF A+IEEE/ACM Trans. 40余篇,担任多个国际著名期刊会议的程序委员会共同主席、委员等。曾先后获得“ACM新星奖”、微软亚洲研究院“微软学者”称号、中国科学院“院长奖”等。
* 我们希望通过研究智能计算方法赋予计算机/机器智能决策能力并优化决策过程,与此相关的理论与应用研究是我们的关注点。
* 我们每周定期举行一次优化方法研讨会“Weekly seminar on optimizations”,分享计算机科学应用研究中广泛涉及的算法设计和优化方法,面向全院学生开放,欢迎有兴趣的同学参加。
* 历届毕业生主要就职于腾讯、阿里、字节、华为等互联网大厂,研究所、银行等国企以及高校等。
Research/Projects (Examples but not limited)
1. Autonomous Robot/Vehicles
Study the self-driving, autonomous tracking, and searching problem on a real-implemented robots, autonomous cars or UAVs, which is highly related to CV, deep learning, reinforcement learning and autonomous system.
2. LLM-based intelligent decision
Study the research porblems arised in LLM-based autonomous agents, which leverages the potential of large language model (LLMs) in human-level intelligence. Several types of automonous agents are concerned.
3.Realtime Strategy AI
Study the intelligent decision problem in real-time strategic game scenarios based on machine learning and deep reinforcement learning. E.g., tested in uRTS where multiple units are controlled to compete against the opponent AI. See the DEMO>>
4. Big Data Analysis
Study the prediction problem from multi-source data via deep learning and big data analysis. Examples include for instance the crowdness prediction in the metro environment. See the DEMO>>
Research Interests
I have wide research interests, including big data, autonomous system, reinforcement learning, swarm intelligence, multi-agent systems, and real-time scheduling. In particular, we hope to enable computing machines to make intelligent decisions and optimize the decision process, which is mainly related to intelligent perception and intelligent computing.
Related to this goal, I am currently interested in the following topics
* Autonomous agents
* Autonomous UAV/robot systems
* Reinforcement learning in sequential decision making
* Intelligent perception from multi-source data
* Deep learning and big data analysis
* Multi-agent coordination and cooperation
* Game theory and incentive mechanism design
* Multi-UAV/Swarm system
* Real-time computing and scheduling
For applications, I am mainly interested in the following topics
* Computer-vision based UAV/Robot planning
* AI-aided networking
* Object detection, tracking, and ReID
* AI-aided gaming and multi-agent competition
* Multi-UAV monitoring in unknown environments
* Our new papers on AoI are accepted in INFOCOM 2023, TMC 2023, CCF A.
* Our new papers on game theory are accepted in TMC 2022, AIJ 2023, CCF A.
* Our one new paper on scheduling is accepted in TCAD 2022, CCF A.
* Our one new paper on freshness data retrieval is accepted in RTSS 2022, CCF A.
* Our one new paper on truthful diffusion mechanisms is accepted in AAAI 2021, CCF A.
(congratulations to Xiang!)
* Our one new paper on proportional representation mechanisms is accepted in IJCAI 2021, CCF A.
(congratulations to Xiang!)
* Our one new paper on link prediction is accepted in CIKM, CCF B.
Academic Positions
Professor, Southeast University, China, 2019-Now.
Associate Professor, Southeast University, China, 2012.11-2019.
Postdoc/Research Fellow, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2011-2012.
Ph.D. in Computer Science, City Univertiy of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, CityU, 2007-2011.
Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Science and Technology of China, China, USTC, 2006-2011.
B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, SCUT, 2002-2006.
Awards and Honors
* ACM China, “Rising Star”, 2017.
* Microsoft Research Asia, “MSRA Fellowship”, 2010.
* Chinese Academy of Sciences, “Dean's Scholarship”, 2011.
* City University of Hong Kong, Peter-Ho Scholarship, 2008.
Grants (selected)